An experience abroad is the perfect opportunity to obtain professional insight and travel before committing to an office job, but many students do not realize they can apply for one. Make sure you don’t miss out on any big opportunities to travel to the country of your dreams and obtain experience in your field, while you are also making memories that will last a lifetime.
Is there an internship for every student?
Short answer – Yes! As long as you have your academic work in order and your professional goals in mind, there is a spot open. It is important to keep in mind that internships abroad often provide valuable insight into the workplace culture and customs of the country in which you are residing, so make sure you are in line with what you are looking for.
Some standard requirements that every candidate has to comply with are an updated CV, some form of recommendations and travel documents in order. The type of internships available will depend on some of these things, but it is always a good idea to accumulate as many achievements as possible.
Types of internships
One of the most important steps in the process is to be realistic about your objectives. Once you know what they can offer to a company or a university abroad, it is time to choose from the types of internships available depending on the area of study or personal interests.
- Internships for credit: provides hands-on experience while fulfilling your academic requirements
- Summer internships: shorter in duration and can last from a few weeks to an entire summer. These internships provide academic credits or experience in your field.
- Paid internships: are usually offered in specific fields (engineering, law, etc.), therefore, a great way to gain the practical experience you need to find a job in your industry after you graduate.